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Sponsorship Opportunities    

VIP Sponsor ($5,000+)

* Name and logo on BCFA webside and stage show program
* Quotes in media release
* Speaking opportunity at Festival
* Booth at Festival
* Thank you letter

Gold Sponsor ($2,500-$4,999)

* Name and logo on BCFA webside and stage show program
* Speaking opportunity at Festival
* Booth at Festival
* Thank you letter

Silver Sponsor ($1,000-$2,499)

* Name and logo on BCFA webside and stage show program
* Booth at Festival
* Thank you letter

Bronze Sponsor ($300-$999)

* Name and logo on BCFA webside and stage show program
* Thank you letter*

* Acrobat/Comedy Show - $3,000
* Chinese Music Intrument - $2,000
* Childerns' Program - $1,000
* Chinese Traditional Dance - $1,000
* Chinese Dragon Dance Team - $500
* Chinese Taichi & KongFu - $500

2018 Chinese Festival Sponors(above $300):

* Alabama Power
* The Allstate Foundation
* Honda Manufacture of Alabama
* Birmingham Sister Cities Commission
* Southern Biotech
* Super Oriental Market(超群)
* Birmingham Fencing Club
* Vivian Mora State Farm Agency
* Hometown Supermarket(陈家园)
* Asian Market of Hoover(福临门)
* Kathy Ren, Ney York Life Insurance Co
* Jing Li, DMD, Alabama Family Dentistry
* Coca Cola Bottling Co.